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Healthcare Management

Healthcare managers are trained to plan, direct and coordinate medical and health services. They keep healthcare operations running smoothly by making decisions, solving problems, monitoring resources, analyzing information, implementing healthcare programs and coordinating the work of others.

Once You Complete the Program

IRSC graduates earning a B.S. Degree in Healthcare Management may seek employment in a hospital, clinic, outpatient surgery center, physician’s office, public health agency, long-term care facility or laboratory. Others further their education with a graduate degree in healthcare management. The (CAHME) sets measureable criteria for excellence in healthcare education and offers an .

Getting Started

The Healthcare Management program is a selective-admissions program. Students are selected based on criteria outlined in the Healthcare Management Student Application Handbook.

For more information, contact:
Emlyn Anderson

For questions pertaining to refunds, please .

Healthcare Management Program Information Sessions

Students interested in the Healthcare Management program, must view the /.

Applying to the Healthcare Management Online Program

IRSC is accepting applications for the Healthcare Management program.

  1. Go to the Apply page of this website.
  2. Select Bachelor Level.
  3. Read the application instructions prior to applying. 

Additional Program Information


This is a national organization which supplements and complements the health occupations education curriculum. HOSA provides students in secondary, postsecondary and collegiate programs with opportunities to develop personal, leadership and career skills needed by healthcare providers. HOSA helps develop the total person, not just job-specific skills. The rapidly changing healthcare system needs workers who are technically skilled, people-oriented and capable of accepting leadership positions as a member of a team.  .

Bachelor's of Science

Increase your earning power, and build on your Associate Degree with a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Healthcare Management. The rapid growth of the healthcare industry is fueling the need for managers with relevant four-year degrees. 

For course descriptions, see the .

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