Human Services
If you have a strong desire to help others improve their quality of life, the field of Human Services may be for you. Earn your Associate in Science Degree in Social and Human Services and begin working in the human/social services field, or choose to continue your studies at IRSC by pursuing a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Human Services. This degree offers three areas of concentration: generalist, youth and family, and addiction studies.
Once You Complete the Program
Job opportunities are growing in this field in a wide variety of settings including: mental health facilities, children’s service agencies, substance abuse treatment facilities, domestic abuse shelters, victim services programs and social services agencies. Many public, academic and leadership positions exist for those with a Bachelor's Degree in human and social services, or you may choose to go further and pursue your graduate degree.
Social and Human Services A.S.
Students learn helping skills through in-class exercises and a real-world internship experience. Graduates can seamlessly transition to the B.S. Degree in Human Services at IRSC, or choose to directly enter the social/human services workforce. For course descriptions, see the .
Bachelor's Degrees
The IRSC Bachelor of Science in Human Services prepares students to work with individuals, families, dyads and groups in a wide array of human and social services settings. The comprehensive curriculum provides both theoretical as well as applied/practical training in areas such as domestic abuse, child abuse, addictions, crisis intervention, family services, high-risk youth, outreach, advocacy, and human services administration. This comprehensive program offers three specialty concentrations: Youth and Family Studies, Addictions Studies, and Generalist. The Generalist track combines electives from both of the first two concentrations. Students choose the concentration which most interests them. For course descriptions, see the .
Admissions Criteria: An A.A. or A.S. Degree and a minimum GPA of 2.0 are required for program admissions. An A.S. Degree in Human Services is preferred.
Foreign Language Requirement: Students who have not taken two years of the same foreign language in high school must complete the second level of foreign language at the college level to meet the foreign language requirement. See the .
Capstone Course Guidelines: The Capstone course must be taken during the final semester, and students must meet with an advisor in order to register for it. Completion of all General Education, Technical Core and Human Services Core courses is required, and completion of the majority of elective courses is recommended prior to Capstone registration. Registration in the final term is generally limited to 12 credits.