Technical (College Credit) Certificates
Technical (College Credit) Certificates may be earned at the same time you’re completing an A.S. Degree, giving you additional credentials. Certifications are generally earned after one year of full-time study.
IRSC offers dozens of technical certifications.
Accounting Technology Management
Accounting Technology Operations
Accounting Technology Specialist
Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Systems Technology
Automotive Service Technician
Basic Electronics
Child Care Center Management Specialization
Computer Programming Specialist
Event Planning Management
General Automotive Technician
Graphic Design Support
Guest Services Specialist
Health Informatics Specialist*
Health Navigator Specialist
Help Desk Support Technician
Human Resources Administrator*
Information Technology Support Specialist*
Landscape and Horticulture Specialist
Landscape and Horticulture Professional
Landscape and Horticulture Technician
Lasers and Photonics
Logistics and Transportation Specialist
Marketing Operations
Medical Coder/Biller*
Mechanical Drafter Apprenticeship
Mechatronics Technician Apprenticeship
Preschool Specialization
Residential Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Systems Assistant
Robotics and Simulation Technician
Rooms Division Management
Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Applications
*These technical certificates can be completed entirely online. At least one proctored assessment is required for each online course. Some programs may also require the student to complete a practicum experience.